Bless Your Life. Manifest Your Intentions


Shivaratri, the “Night of Shiva” This is a time of cosmic generation. Sounds grandiose, I know, but the ancient masters of India discovered that it’s a time when Shiva, a divine form of cosmic consciousness, “opens his eyes” and connects directly to our earthly awareness. Celebrated annually as a ritual festival according to the lunar […]

Unconditional Love – how to heal & purify your heart to live & love purely

Step out from your heart and you find yourself riding the waves in a boat on the seas of a conditional world. All relationships are relative, even those structured soul-to-soul. Like boats on an ocean, our relationships help protect us from the rise and fall of the waters, while we navigate our way to our […]

The Five Elements & Why They’re So Important to Your Spiritual Path

The Spiritual Structure of the Universe In the same way that Western science has researched and discovered that everything in existence is made up of atoms and space, the ancient spiritual sciences of india reveal that everything in existence is made up of five fundamental cosmic forces, the Mahapanchabhutam, the Five Elements: Earth; Fire; Sky […]


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