Bless Your Life. Manifest Your Intentions

The Great Conjunction

December 21, 2020 – this once-in-a-millennium sacred power alignment of two wisdom-bound celestial beings, sage Brihaspati and lord Shaneshwara (embodied by the planets Jupiter and Saturn), opens the door to a new Spiritual Age for all of us. With this moment of Divine Transference & Transformation, it’s time we consciously step across the threshold together. […]

How to Manifest At Will – Manifestation Secrets of the Ancient Masters

Today, I’m sharing a key technique with you that I use to manifest what I want, at will — it’s an incredibly consistent and powerful manifestation process, a secret that enlightened masters use. It is, in fact, a big part of how their work is so successful, on behalf of Humanity. It’s a process that […]


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